Boost your college savings with Upromise®

Join Upromise for free today.

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Upromise is a free service that helps families save for college with cash back rewards from everyday activities such as online shopping, dining, grocery shopping, purchasing gift cards and more. Rewards are automatically deposited as contributions into your MNSAVES account when you reach $50 in rewards.

Why a Upromise account?

Receive an instant bonus

Get $5.29 in bonus rewards when you open a new Upromise account.

Claim a $25 bonus for linking accounts

Get an additional $25 in bonus rewards when you link your first MNSAVES account to your new Upromise account.

Earn cash back rewards

Get additional rewards continuously by shopping, dining, answering surveys and more from your favorite stores and restaurants.

Ready to start their college savings?

The sooner you start, the more they could have for college.

Already have a Upromise account? Get started with MNSAVES. Already have a MNSAVES account? Link it with a Upromise account.